We partnered with CloudFlare back in 2012 to bring you a better, and more reliable service. This is a service everybody should be running to help protect threats from all angles.

What does CloudFlare do?

CloudFlare protects and accelerates any website online. Once your website is a part of the CloudFlare community, its web traffic is routed through our intelligent global network. We automatically optimize the delivery of your web pages so your visitors get the fastest page load times and best performance. We also block threats and limit abusive bots and crawlers from wasting your bandwidth and server resources. The result: CloudFlare-powered websites see a significant improvement in performance and a decrease in spam and other attacks.

How does it work?

Before and After CloudFlare Illustration

CloudFlare's system gets faster and smarter as our community of users grows larger. We have designed the system to scale with our goal in mind: helping power and protect the entire Internet.

CloudFlare can be used by anyone with a website and their own domain, regardless of your choice in platform. From start to finish, setup takes most website owners less than 5 minutes. Adding your website requires only a simple change to your domain's DNS settings. There is no hardware or software to install or maintain and you do not need to change any of your site's existing code. If you are ever unhappy you can turn CloudFlare off as easily as you turned it on. Our core service is free and we offer enhanced services for websites who need extra features like real time reporting or SSL.

What does CloudFlare monitor & record?

CloudFlare provides insight to your website traffic that you can’t get from other analytics programs.
In addition to visitor analytics, you can monitor threats and search engine crawlers. For most websites, these threats and crawlers make up 20% to 50% of traffic. It’s traffic every website should understand, but most analytics services ignore.

Monitor threats

Unwanted visitors don’t get picked up by popular analytics programs, so you don’t even know they're visiting your website. With CloudFlare, you get insight into all visitors coming to your site, even the threats.

Powerful threat control

The threat control panel shows you the threat visitors by country origin, type, IP address and severity. The threat control panel is easy to manage. You can add or remove IPs, IP ranges and countries to your Trust or Block list.

Traffic control

Rather than plowing through hard-to-read log files, you get an easy-to-read version of all your website requests. You can stream all the traffic coming to your site or sort by time, visitor type, and traffic types.

Search engine crawlers

CloudFlare makes it easy for you to track which search engine crawlers are coming to your website. It’s simple to see what bandwidth search engine crawlers consume and how that changes over time.

Real time traffic

For real-time insights into visitors on your website now, CloudFlare analytics update daily or in real-time, depending on the plan you choose.

Augment with third party analytics

CloudFlare has partnered with the most popular analytics programs. You can get other analytics services through our apps marketplace with one click. There is no hardware or software to install, so you can be up and running instantly.


CloudFlare includes the geographic location of your visitor so you can see which countries your visitors are coming from.

Sounds fantastic. How do I enable CloudFlare on my website?

Easy! There are two options available; Option 1, customers update their authoritative nameservers to enable CloudFlare via their website. Or, Option 2, customers can choose not to update their authoritative nameservers to enable CloudFlare. CloudFlare is available under your cPanel through a simple one click sign up setup.

Option 1: Change your name servers (Recommended)

1. Create an account on CloudFlare.com and add your domain.

2. You then need to update your nameservers as stated by CloudFlare, to do this with your domain on our services go to http://www.5wire.co.uk/bill/clientarea.php

3. Go to ‘Manage Your Domain’

4. Select your domain.

5. Click on the ‘Edit Information’ option in the DNS Information field.

6. Enter in the CloudFlare domain name server information.

7. Click on the ‘Save’ button.

Option 2: Enable CloudFlare in cPanel

1. Click on the Cloudflare Icon in the Main Control Panel Interface (Under Advanced Tools).

2. Enter your email address and accept the EULA.

3. Select the domain you want to enable cloudflare for on the box on the left.

4. The interface will pull up a list of sub-domains you can enable cloudflare protection on, click on the grey clouds for the sub-domains you want to enable and wait for them to turn orange.

Note: With option 1 you can find your CloudFlare name server information by going to the DNS settings option in your account dashboard (Settings->DNS Settings).
Please realize that it can take 24-72 hours for the domain name server information to be updated.
With option 2 CloudFlare can only able to accelerate your CNAME records (sub-domains like www.domain.com for example), not your A record (the record for your primary domain, domain.com for example).

Monday, April 15, 2013

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